Woman Applies Facial Lotion Gifted by Her Mother-in-law, Collapses After Viewing Her Reflection the Following Day

On her birthday, Pauline experienced a shocking surprise after using a facial lotion presented by her distant mother-in-law, Annalise. The unforeseen terror in the mirror the next morning left her aghast. What had Annalise orchestrated?

The scent of fresh cake filled the air in Pauline’s simply adorned living area, mingling with the joyous atmosphere of the party. Decorative ribbons dangled from the ceiling, casting colorful shadows on the walls. A modest collection of presents lay on the coffee table, each wrapped meticulously, hinting at the care and thought put into each choice.

Seated on the sofa in the center of the room, Pauline, a woman in her early thirties with gentle brown eyes and a cautious smile, was encircled by her close relatives. Laughter and light conversation flowed easily among them, creating a cocoon of familial warmth.

Her spouse, Carl, a man of considerable height with gentle features and a calm demeanor, approached with a particularly intriguing gift in his hands. “This one’s from Mom,” he remarked, a tone of astonishment coloring his voice. It was well known that the relationship between Pauline and her mother-in-law was frosty at best.

Pauline’s eyes widened slightly as she took the gift, her gaze shifting to Annalise, who was seated rigidly in a chair opposite. The elder woman’s expression remained impassive, yet her eyes revealed slight anxiety, a crack in her usual facade of detached cordiality.

“Thank you,” Pauline murmured, gingerly unwrapping the present. The wrapping paper gave way to reveal a luxurious skincare kit from a renowned label, known for its exquisite and effective products. Pauline’s astonishment was clear as she inspected the items. “Oh, my. I adore this label,” she declared, glancing at her mother-in-law. “Thanks, Annalise. This is really considerate.”

Annalise responded with a brief nod. “I heard that ladies appreciate these products nowadays. I bought it online,” she said, her voice holding a note of pride and perhaps a touch of hope. It seemed like a peace offering, an olive branch extended after years of tension.

Despite the polite and normal interaction, a palpable tension filled the room. Everyone seemed to hold their breath, waiting for a sign of whether this gift would mend fences or add another layer of ice to their chilly relationship.

For a long time, Pauline and Annalise had a strained relationship, to put it mildly. Their personalities clashed significantly, and Annalise often overstepped personal boundaries, giving unsolicited advice and making cutting remarks that left Pauline feeling undermined and resentful.

It was only after Carl threatened to sever ties that Annalise moderated her behavior and reduced conflicts with Pauline. Thus, this gesture, albeit minor, seemed like a cautious step toward mending their relationship.

As the celebration ended and guests departed, Pauline found herself in the bathroom, evaluating the skincare items. The creams were packaged elegantly, their containers sleek and inviting.

Carl joined her, embracing her waist. “I can’t believe your mother got me this,” Pauline expressed, opening one of the creams. The texture was creamy and rich, a testament to its high quality.

Carl smiled optimistically. “I’m just as surprised. But maybe this is a positive sign for us, right?” There was hope in his voice, a desire for normalcy in their family dynamics that had been absent for too long.

Pauline nodded, gently applying the cream to her face. “These products are costly. I’m eager to see the effect on my skin tomorrow.”

However, they could never have predicted what the next morning would bring.

Pauline woke to the gentle morning sunlight, but something felt amiss. Her face burned, and her eyelids were heavy and crusty. Slowly blinking, she tried to orient herself in the dim morning light.

“Ouch,” she muttered, touching her face only to experience a sharp pain. “Oh no!”

She abruptly sat up, feeling her skin tighten and crack with each movement. Stumbling to the bathroom mirror, Pauline gasped in horror at her reflection. Her face was covered in severe red blotches and peeling skin, appearing as if the outer layer had been completely removed. Some areas were so raw they seemed almost burnt.

“Carl!” she shouted, her voice shaking with fear and agony. Her husband was at her side in an instant, his expression one of shock and concern.

“My God, Pauline! What occurred?” His eyes scanned her face, horror written across his features.

Before she could reply, Pauline’s vision blurred, and she felt herself collapsing. Carl’s urgent call was the last thing she heard before darkness enveloped her.

When Pauline regained consciousness, she was in a bright, sterile hospital room. The constant beep of monitors and the sharp scent of disinfectant filled the air. She blinked slowly, trying to process her surroundings.

Carl sat beside her, his expression filled with concern. “Pauline, darling. How do you feel?” he inquired, squeezing her hand gently.

Before she could answer, a doctor entered the room. “Mrs. Patterson, I’m Dr. Rawlings,” she introduced herself with a professional yet compassionate tone. “Can you explain what transpired?”

Pauline detailed her use of the skincare products gifted to her. As she spoke, a realization struck her. “The lotion… it had to be the lotion,” she whispered, staring at her husband in shock. The implications were horrifying.

Dr. Rawlings nodded solemnly. “The lotion you applied is actually a professional-grade chemical peel, not intended for home use. It’s typically administered in clinical settings under strict supervision.”

Pauline’s thoughts raced as she absorbed the doctor’s words. After a moment, she made the connection. “Annalise,” she murmured, turning to Carl with wide, appalled eyes. “She did this deliberately!”

Carl’s expression hardened as he began shaking his head. “I can’t believe she would go to such lengths,” he muttered, frowning deeply. The betrayal seemed too deep, too calculated.

As if summoned by their discussion, Annalise burst into the room, her face etched with concern. “Carl! Your sister informed me of the incident. Pauline, what occurred?” Her voice was tinged with worry, but Pauline could barely process her words through the haze of pain and betrayal.

Pauline’s reaction was immediate and visceral. “You did this!” she screamed, tears streaming down her ravaged face. “YOU WICKED WOMAN! YOU DELIBERATELY RUINED MY FACE!”

Annalise stepped back, shocked. “What? No! I didn’t! I swear!” she exclaimed, visibly distressed, clutching her chest. “I… I saw the reviews online… I didn’t realize they were so potent…” Her defense seemed weak against the visible evidence of Pauline’s suffering.

Carl stood, his body tense with suppressed rage. “Mom, you need to leave. Now. We want nothing to do with you anymore.”

Annalise attempted to argue, but several nurses intervened, escorting her from the room. As she departed, Pauline collapsed into tears, overwhelmed by the notion that her mother-in-law could inflict such harm. The betrayal cut deep, reopening old wounds and confirming her worst fears about Annalise’s intentions.

In the hospital room, the hours passed in a blur of doctors, nurses, and worried family members. Pauline drifted in and out of sleep thanks to the pain medication which had dulled her senses. When she awoke again, she found Carl speaking quietly with Dr. Rawlings near the door.

“Carl?” she called out weakly.

He was by her side in an instant, relieved. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

“Like my face is on fire,” Pauline replied, attempting a smile that felt more like a grimace. “What’s going on?”

Carl took a deep breath, seeming to brace himself. “Mom… she’s been trying to explain something.”

Pauline felt her heart rate increase, and the monitor beside her began to beat faster. “What could she possibly have to say?”

“She said she didn’t do this on purpose,” Carl began cautiously. “She says she’s been seeing a therapist, trying to work on herself and our family relationship.”

Pauline’s brow furrowed, wincing at the pull of her damaged skin. “A therapist? Your mother?”

Carl nodded, looking as surprised as Pauline felt. “I know, it’s hard to believe. But she showed me some receipts, and her therapist even called to confirm.”

As Carl explained further, Pauline’s anger began to give way to confusion and a glimmer of something else… hope?

“She told me that she saw the products online, recommended by some influencer,” Carl continued, rolling his eyes at the idea. “She didn’t know it was professional-grade. She was just trying to get you something nice.”

Pauline closed her eyes, processing this information. Could it be true? After years of hostility, could Annalise truly be trying to make amends?

“I think… I think I’d like to talk to her,” Pauline said finally, although she was still in disbelief.

When Annalise entered the room, her usual composed demeanor was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and her hands twisted nervously in front of her.

“Pauline, I… I’m so sorry,” Annalise began, her voice almost breaking. “I never meant for this to happen. I’ve been trying so hard to be better, to fix things between us. I know I haven’t been the best or easiest mom-in-law…”

As Annalise spoke, pouring out her heart about her therapy sessions and her genuine desire to be a part of their family without their previous animosity, Pauline felt something shift within her.

The anger and resentment that had built up over the years began to disappear. She always felt inclined to believe people who truly wanted to change.

Pauline was big on second chances, but it was still difficult.

“I want to believe you,” she said softly. “I want us to move past this. For Carl, for the kids… for all of us.”

Annalise’s eyes filled with tears. “You have no idea how much that means to me. I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to make this right.”

While they talked, Carl brought in the skincare products for the doctors to examine.

It was confirmed that while the products were indeed professional-grade, they were readily available online without proper warnings.

“I’m afraid, Mrs. Patterson, that you should’ve been more careful with the instructions here,” Dr. Rawlings said carefully. “This chemical peel says it’s strong and can’t be used for over five minutes.”

“So, it’s my fault?” Pauline asked, shocked. Carl held her hand in comfort, and Annalise shook her head.

“No, it’s an easy mistake, unfortunately,” the doctor continued. “But it was dangerous.”

After the doctor left, Pauline laughed awkwardly, and the sound broke the tension. She and Carl apologized to Annalise for immediately jumping to conclusions, but the older woman understood why.

“After how I behaved before, I understand,” Annalise said and smiled at Pauline through teary eyes. It was a genuine grin that only proved how sincere she was.

So, in that hospital room, a new chapter began for their family.

Pauline reached out, taking Annalise’s hand in hers. “Let’s start over,” she said, smiling back. “Clean slate. Just… maybe hold off on any more gifts for a while, okay?”

Annalise let out a tearful laugh, nodding vigorously. “Deal.”

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