Rescue Takes in Severely Matted Dog Resembling a Wig – Now Unrecognizable after Transformation.

A dog’s haircut can be truly transformative, especially for neglected or stray animals burdened with tangled and matted fur, often causing them significant distress.

Recently, a stray dog caught attention due to her overwhelming amount of fur, making her look as though she was wearing a wig. Fortunately, her life took a turn for the better when a rescue organization stepped in to give her a much-needed makeover.

Once taken in by the rescue group, Pear received dedicated care from a team of volunteers who worked on an extensive grooming session to rid her fur of dirt and tangles.

“We cleaned her up, shaved her, and gave her a bath to get rid of the dirt and fleas,” said Rochelle Steffen, founder of the rescue, in an interview with Newsweek. “Afterward, we settled her into one of our spaces, and she fell asleep right away.”

Throughout the process, Pear showed incredible patience and calmness. “She was so sweet and stayed still as we worked to remove the thick mats from her fur, which took a lot of time,” Steffen added.

Steffen also noted that Pear was lucky to avoid maggot infestations and the dangers of being hit by a car. However, Pear lives with the aftermath of an old injury and has lost one of her eyes.

Mac’s Mission shared Pear’s inspiring journey through before-and-after photos, revealing a stunning transformation.


The rescue group expressed their appreciation on Facebook, thanking everyone for their support and celebrating Pear’s bright future.

Thanks to Mac’s Mission, this adorable dog got the makeover she desperately needed. Pear looks absolutely amazing now!

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Almost two decades have passed since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, when nearly 3,000 lives were lost in a terrorist attack, yet the memory of that day remains etched in our hearts and minds.

The date 9/11 is forever associated with profound sadness and mourning. At the same time, it represents the unbreakable spirit of the American people. In the face of devastation, unity emerged as citizens from every corner of the nation stood together in defiance against those who sought to harm their homeland. The world, too, shared in the grief, offering support and solidarity to the people of America.

During this difficult time, Budweiser, an iconic American brand, released a commercial that deeply resonated with viewers, stirring emotions in even the most composed individuals.

The ad features Budweiser’s renowned Clydesdales making their way through New York City, passing by landmarks like the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge. Their journey ends at the site where the Twin Towers once stood, where the majestic horses bow their heads in a solemn tribute.


The message of the commercial is clear: it is a tribute to those lost, and a reminder that such a tragedy must never happen again. Originally aired on the 10th anniversary of the attacks, the ad was slightly updated to reflect the passage of time, while reinforcing the importance of honoring the victims of 9/11. It was also part of a campaign to raise awareness for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

You can watch the moving tribute in the video below.

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