Woman Returns From Work to Find Her Husband in Bed With Another Woman – Story of the Day

During her business trip to Los Angeles, Mary has no idea her husband is having an affair with a hotel maid. What will happen when they both discover the maid has a sinister motive to ruin their lives?

Michael checked his watch and closed his laptop, putting his commissioned art on hold for his impending guest. The messy hotel room didn’t concern him; he prioritized a shower and donned a casual outfit. A knock on the door signaled his guest’s arrival—Lucy, the maid.

If only Michael knew Lucy’s reality, he would’ve never slept with her. His lust had blinded him. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her passionately, and then, he closed the door behind them.

Lucy hated Michael’s touch, but right now, she was only focused on her revenge. She knew she wouldn’t get a better chance to get back at the couple for what they’d done to her.

“I’ve been waiting so long for Friday when you’d finally come back to me,” he said, pulling her onto the bed.

“I’ve been waiting too, my darling. I wish we could do this every day,” Lucy replied, despite her disgust.

Suddenly, a loud knock on the door interrupted them.

“Did you order anything?”

“No,” Lucy shook her head.

Michael answered the door and went pale. His wife, Mary, had unexpectedly returned from a business presentation. “Surprise!” she yelled.

“Mary, my beloved wife!”

Panicking, he feigned innocence, attempting to block Mary from entering the bedroom where Lucy was hiding. But Mary didn’t buy his story.

“Enough lying. Where is she?” Mary snapped, pushing past him. She knew cheating was not something new for him.

“I don’t know who you’re talking about!” Michael said casually. But ignoring him, Mary approached the en suite bathroom. Fear gripped Michael; he knew he had seconds to divert her attention.

“Honey, please tell me what’s going on. We should go down to the hotel restaurant…”

Mary flung open the bathroom door, revealing an empty room. The bed’s disarray hinted at Michael’s secret rendezvous, but Lucy was nowhere to be seen.

“See, there’s no one here, honey. You’re just winding yourself up. The pressure at work has made you distrustful.”

Mary sighed, and Michael noticed the tension in her body was gone. She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“If you love only me, prove it,” she challenged.

Michael pushed her onto the bed, whispering naughtily. Mary laughed, but their moment was interrupted by a ringing phone under the bed.

“Whose phone is that?” Mary asked, pushing his shoulders.

“Oh, uh…it’s mine,” Michael replied.

Desperate, Michael reached under the bed, where the phone had fallen when he and Lucy were busy earlier. Thankfully, Lucy handed him the phone from under the bed.

“You see? I just changed the ringtone,” Michael said. “That way, I can tell when I’m getting a work call or when my beloved Mary is phoning me.”

Mary sat up, her entire mood ruined. Sensing she was doubting him again, Michael quickly showed her a sticker on his phone. “Remember, you got it for me at a charity fair? I changed the ringtone, but my love for you hasn’t changed.”

“It’s just strange. I swear I could smell a woman’s perfume…” Mary sighed.

Michael put his arm around Mary, and she rested her head on his shoulder. “There’s nobody here, and there never was. It’s probably just the automatic air freshener,” he said.

Mary glanced up at the little device attached to the wall near the entrance to the bedroom. “Maybe you’re right,” she nodded.

Michael tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You just need to get some fresh air, okay? Then, once you feel a bit better, we’ll have lunch, and then…” he smiled suggestively, “maybe I can ‘convince’ you how much I love you later.”

“Okay.” Mary smiled a little and kissed his cheek. “I’ll go take a stroll around the pool. I’ll be right back.”

Michael sighed in relief as Mary left. “That was close!” Lucy exclaimed, sliding out from beneath the bed.

Early that evening, Lucy pushed her cleaning cart down a hotel corridor, satisfied with her successful plan against Michael. Suddenly, a voice startled her.

“Hey.” Mary appeared from the corner.

“Hi,” Lucy nervously replied.

“How do you like my husband?” Mary asked, and Lucy went pale. Had Mary suspected something? No, it shouldn’t happen because my plan will fail!

“Er…what do you mean?”

“I mean, do you like him?” Mary’s eyes sparkled with icy rage.

“No! I mean, yes…er, no. I meant to say no,” Lucy stumbled. “Look, he’s just an ordinary guest,” she insisted, regaining her composure. “No personal relationships are allowed. That could get me fired.”

Mary smirked. “Oh! I’m just kidding!”

Relieved, Lucy smiled. But Mary pressed on, “Did you see my husband with a guest today or last Friday?”

“I didn’t see anyone, ma’am,” Lucy replied.

“I need to see the hallway security footage.”

“I’m sorry, but hotel policy prohibits that,” Lucy declined.

There’s a nice tip in it for you.”

“No, I can’t,” Lucy insisted.

“Well, in that case, I guess I’ll just have to speak to the security guard myself,” Mary said. “I’ll just tell them that I… lost my wallet. I’m sure they will be happy to provide me with this high level of service.”

Lucy panicked. She’d be even more trouble if the hotel’s security staff caught her on camera with Michael. “D-Don’t do that. The guard..won’t be able to help you. I’ll help you,” she jumped to offer.

Lucy made it to the surveillance room with the help of one of her old colleagues. She sat before the console while Mary directed, “Turn the footage back to around 11 this morning.”

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